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The noon and closing rates data were last updated by the Bank of Canada on April 28, 2017 and will not be updated by the Bank in the future. The Bank started publishing an average daily rate starting January 2, 2017.

2 The yearly average daily rates for January 2017 to November 2017 are based upon the old daily average noon rates (for the applicable days in 2016) and the new average daily rates (for the applicable days in 2017).

3The month-end rates for May 2017 onwards will be the average daily rate for the last business day of the month.

$US to $CDN foreign exchange Month-end
foreign exchange3
$US to $CDN foreign exchange
Month Effective date of the change in prime rate Prime rate Yearly average prime at month-end Monthly average daily rate Yearly average daily rate2 $US to $CDN rate $CDN to $US rate Monthly average noon rate Yearly average noon rate
Jan   7.20 7.002055 1.34245 1.34966345 1.3397 0.74643577
Feb   7.20 7.040847 1.35008 1.3500492 1.357 0.73691968
Mar   7.20 7.083197 1.353945 1.34867328 1.355 0.73800738
Apr   7.20 7.12418 1.36737727 1.350332 1.3746 0.72748436
May   7.20 7.16653 1.36703636 1.351654 1.3637 0.73329911
Jun   6.95 7.174727 1.370685 1.35521774 1.3687 0.7306203
  Sat Jun 01, 2024 7.20              
Jan Thu Jan 26, 2023 6.70 4.480822 1.34216667 1.30790643 1.335 0.74906367
Feb   6.70 4.806849 1.34502632 1.31351044 1.3573 0.7367568
Mar   6.70 5.147945 1.36821304 1.32297149 1.3533 0.73893446
Apr   6.70 5.453425 1.34850526 1.32978024 1.3578 0.73648549
May   6.70 5.750685 1.35201364 1.33550201 1.3603 0.73513196
Jun Thu Jun 08, 2023 6.95 6.014384 1.32878182 1.33969157 1.324 0.75528701
Jul Thu Jul 13, 2023 7.20 6.25411 1.32146 1.34187871 1.3177 0.75889808
Aug   7.20 6.466438 1.34853636 1.34685904 1.3531 0.73904368
Sep   7.20 6.624658 1.35349 1.34861895 1.352 0.73964497
Oct   7.20 6.766438 1.371675 1.34875806 1.3871 0.72092856
Nov   7.20 6.869178 1.37094286 1.35096694 1.3582 0.73626859
Dec   7.20 6.942466 1.34308947 1.34966855 1.3226 0.7560865


This data is provided for informational purposes only and may change without notice. Any reliance thereon is at the user's discretion.
Although every reasonable effort is made, Taylor Leibow LLP does not and cannot guarantee its accuracy.

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